To those sharky friends born between: April 21st - May 21st
Known for their steadfastness, reliability and powerful drive toward security in life - not only financial but in relationships and overall environment. Bulls are not one for quick and rash action, they may become seriously stressed if pushed into a hasty action or decision without enough time to consider a situation fully. They are ambitious and follow their own life plans as closely as possible throughout their lives with a great knack for building their own business(es).
Assurance, regularity, stubbornness and stability are hallmarks of this shark sign but also have a great love of possessions. Bulls are naturally charming, warm and generous hosts/entertainers- always plenty of food to go around. This shark sign has a calm demeanor, but if they get angry better WATCH OUT - they tell you exactly what's on their mind!
Shark Squad: Frilled Sharks, Basking Sharks, Wobbegong Sharks & Goblin Sharks
Swim Clear Of: Tiger Sharks , Hammerhead Sharks & Mako Sharks
Tina Fey (May 18th)
Adele (May 5th)
Billy Joel (May 9th)
Lizzo (April 27th)
Dwane Johnson (May 2nd)
Gal Gadot (April 30th)
David Beckham (May 2nd)