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BASK in your season BASKINGS!
All the sharky friends born between: June 22nd - July 22nd

Known (once you break through that shell!) for their kindness, nurturing, warm and sympathetic nature- Basking sharks have an amazing intuition! This sign's colorful imagination is potent and filled with possibility but lends itself to a tendency toward worrying. The Basking shark's fierce tenacity and drive shows up in places like high GPA scores in school or accolades in sports.

A Basking makes use of their natural abilities to become great cooks, musicians, artists, and writers - like Ernest Hemingway for example. A hallmark for a Basking is their great memory, knack for remembering the little things (sentimental value goes a long way!) and a strong desire for ‘settling down’ or ‘home building’.

Shark Squad: Wobbegong Sharks, Bull Sharks, Mako Sharks & Frilled Sharks

Swim Clear Of: Angel Sharks, Great White Sharks & Goblin Sharks

Basking sharks you may know:

Ariana Grande (June 26th)

Kristen Bell (July 18th)

Selena Gomez (June 22nd)

Will Ferrell (July 16th)

Post Malone (July 4th)

Nick Offerman (June 26th)

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