Want to take action right now for sharks?
When we think about how to "save sharks" we must understand and acknowledge the root of various issues that surround their decline and need to be "saved" and protected in the first place. To save shark populations we need to acknowledge the interwoven complexities of these issues, listen and welcome in those communities and individuals that are the closest to them- including Indigenous communities, shark fisherman, scientists, policy makers, etc.
Knowledge is the most powerful tool we have and to obtain it requires a continual seeking out of as many voices from as many communities and perspectives as possible to get the best, long-lasting solutions. It's important to note that personal privileges and biases come into play and one sweeping concept or idea simply doesn't work for all situations or communities.
Below are a few ideas to get you started and remember: EVERYONE is a #SHARKFLUENCER!
Sharing is Caring
Using your social media account to spread awareness and connect with like-minded people helps build a shark action network. Be sure to follow us on social media to help learn about new studies and shark organizations to support, see and sign active e-petitions, peek new product collabs and so much more.
Social media is also a good way to stay in the know about upcoming ocean/environmental legislation in your area as well as interact with your city, state and country representatives that are making (or not making) strides to protect and save our environment. And while "voting" or "elections" may seem boring they are critically underutilized and underrated in getting the changes we want to see, for sharks or otherwise. Remember: taking part in every election will help get us closer to the changes that will protect communities, safeguard species and critical habitat. Your vote, your voice matters- don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Just Keep Swimming
Scuba diving, wildlife tours and other 'eco-tourism' activities bring in billions of dollars across the globe. Responsible eco-tourism can help promote protection of reefs and other natural habitats for a host of flora and fauna that would otherwise be further threatened or even extinct. So don't hesitate in renting that paddle board or snorkel and exploring the ocean ecosystem on your next vacation. HOWEVER! be sure to do your research and support local guides over 'influencer-lead' or big corporations that are actually doing more harm than good to the community. Embrace the real culture of the area you're visiting, look up some history, learn some of the language and be respectful as a minimum- encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Gettin' Fishy with It
Be sure to keep expanding your knowledge around sharks and their watery world. When you stay up to date on available resources as well as threats to sharks and our vital ocean ecosystems, you ensure their protection for future generations.
Feel free to get started by browsing our resources in the Shark Blog to learn more about issues threatening sharks, see shark species profiles, sign + share active petitions or read interviews from SHARKFLUENCERS like you using their talents to help brighten the future for sharks and the planet.