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Just Sharkin' Around!

April Fools' Day is an interesting holiday commonly thought to date back to 1582 when France switched over to the Gregorian calendar. Although the exact origins of April Fools' are a mystery, it's a day that has been celebrated for centuries and across many different cultures. Its traditions revolve mostly around hoaxes or practical jokes on others then yelling “April Fools!” at the end. Teachers are a particular target of this holiday, so watch out for gifted rotten apples, thumb tacks on chairs, or glued desk drawers.. even a filter enabled on your zoom call when you least expect it!

This year we asked ocean advocate Melanie Vivianne to share thoughts on today but with a sharky twist! We know you'll enjoy this post and pick up some new jokes to share with your shark loving circle.


Life has been challenging with the pandemic and seeing the global suffering takes a deep toll. To be honest, I am starting to think that maybe we are just

stuck in our own suffering because we do not see beyond this ongoing pandemic.

In Chinese, one of the translations for suffering is “walls in the mind”. Are we letting our own suffering become a 'wall' between us, our happiness, love and laughter? This morning, I thought perhaps this is exactly what is going on around the

world- we lost ourselves being stuck inside walls for so long. There is nothing wrong

with feeling loss of stability, uncertainty or feeling you a great deal of grief on your

shoulders. In these times we must remember to pause for some laughs to add some

light wherever we can against all the darkness.

It's April Fool’s- what better way to bring a little more positivity to the endless storm of negativity than with some punny fish jokes? Laughter and smiling has been linked to boosting our moods and helping us cope when faced with difficult situations.


The best time to start laughing more starts now- we're sharing some ocean-related humor because we think if sharks could talk, they'd enjoy some jokes too!

"Even though there is a lot of uncertainty for the future right now, we must remind ourselves how laughing is the best medicine for us and to help alleviate the sadness in the world at this moment. Keep calm and keep laughing." - Melanie Vivianne

What do you call a shark that gets famous?

A starfish.


How did the hammerhead do on the Math exam?

Absolutely nailed it!


Why do sharks live in salt water?

Because pepper water makes them sneeze.


Did you know:

Laughter boosts immunity, lowers stress levels, decreases pain and prevents heart disease. There is even proof it improves mood, strengthens resilience and even helps in relationships.

Where do sharks go on vacation?



Which candy should a sharks avoid?



Which sharks would you find at a construction site?

Hammerhead sharks.


Did you know:

One study suggests that healthy children may laugh as much as 400 times per day, in contrast, adults tend to laugh only 15 times per day.

What is a shark’s favorite kind of sandwich?

Peanut butter and jellyfish.


What do sharks order at McDonald’s?

A quarter flounder with cheese.


Why did the shark cross the Great Barrier Reef?

To get to the other tide.


A shark, crocodile, and a giant spider walk into a bar.

There is no punchline; it is just a normal day in Australia.



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