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Plastic Free Recipes

We've teamed up with Taylor Henley - @tay.henley to give you some fun and simple recipes to use for creating unique plastic-free gifts this season AND to show you that ditching those single-use plastic options once and for all is easier than ever before!


There are so many eco-friendly options when it comes to the container you choose to purchase.

Look around your kitchen - do you have empty jars you can make into something new? What about reusing that hard plastic gelato container? Before you pitch something in the garbage, look at it through your new sustainable outlook and imagine what else you could use the container for! Old pasta sauce bottles, spice jars, milk bottles, etc. make perfect storage and craft solutions.

Our top pick: Glass is a great option as it's easy to clean and sanitize, most glasses can handle higher temperatures, provides a sleek look, and also requires the least amount of energy cost to recycle. Glass is an excellent choice to reuse or invest in!


Face Wash

I’ve spent a lot of money over the years looking for a face wash that would help clear my skin and I never got any of the results I desired - until I started making my own. This recipe is super simple and not only is it plastic free, but it only contains 4 ingredients and you can easily pronounce all of them! I have found over the years that when it comes to skin care, less is more. @tay.henley

You'll Need:

  • 1 small box of baking soda

  • 1 tablespoon of organic, unrefined coconut oil

  • Organic tea tree essential oil (I use around 15-20 drops but you can modify this to however potent you want it to be)

  • Small amount of warm water (or Kangen 6.0 beauty water)

Add everything to a mixing bowl and combine well! You don’t want it to be too pasty as you want to still receive the exfoliating benefits of the baking soda - I recommend starting with a small amount of water, mixing, and then adding more as needed until everything is combined, but not saturated. Store in a glass jar and it will last ~1 to 2 months.



I will never go back to using store-bought toothpaste again! Ever. Most all store-bought toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (a known skin irritant) and fluoride. Contrary to popular belief, we do not need fluoride in our toothpastes and in fact, overexposure to fluoride has been linked to a number of health issues including cognitive disorders, thyroid issues, and acne. @tay.henley

This recipe is simple to make and is also plastic free! I have found since using this daily, my teeth have stayed very white and my mouth feels much cleaner overall after brushing.

You'll Need:

  • 1 small box of baking soda

  • 2 tablespoons of organic, unrefined coconut oil

  • Organic peppermint essential oil (I use 8-10 drops but you can modify this to however potent you want it to be)

  • Small amount of warm water (or kangen 7.0 clean water)

Add everything to a mixing bowl and combine well. You want this mixture to be pasty, similar to a toothpaste you’d buy in a store. I would start with a small amount of water and add more as needed to achieve the desired consistency. I store this in a glass jar and it will last me around 2 months.

The baking soda does take some getting used to when you first make the switch, which is one reason why I love adding peppermint essential oil. Not only does it give you that minty fresh feeling but it also dims the saltiness of the baking soda.


Body Lotion

This recipe is my favorite! I use this any time I would apply a store-bought lotion, but I especially love using this after a hot shower or bath. Not only is it plastic free, but it is also free of any and all chemicals. There’s only two ingredients so it’s super simple and quick to make! @tay.henley

You'll Need:

  • 1 jar of unrefined, organic coconut oil

  • 10-15 drops of the essential oil of your choice - I alternate between organic rose oil, organic lavender oil, and a combination of organic lavender and organic eucalyptus.

Mix everything together well and store in a glass jar! I love to keep this in a smaller, more decorative jar to give it a little feminine flare as this is one of the most important self-care/self-love routines for me.


Coffee Body Scrub

As if we needed more reasons to love coffee! Check out our quick and easy recipe to turn your coffee grounds into an exfoliating scrub leaving your skin feeling silky smooth.

You'll Need:

  • 1/2 cup fresh ground coffee (Fresh grounds are best, but dry will work, too)

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil

Tip: Choose fine grounds, as the coarse kind can be too harsh for sensitive or delicate skin.

Mix together the fresh ground coffee and brown sugar. Add coconut oil into the coffee mixture slowly until you reach desired consistency. Continue mixing until well combined. Store in airtight container for longest lasting results.

Coffee Scrub Benefits

  • It reduces inflammation - caffeine found in coffee scrubs typically increases blood flow which may reduce the appearance of cellulite!

  • It improves blood circulation

  • It removes dead skin cells

  • It reduces puffiness

How to use:

  1. Wet your skin and then turn off the shower as you're applying.

  2. Starting at your feet, apply the scrub and rub into the skin in circles, spend more time on stretch marks/cellulite areas. No need to go hard with your pressure, you don’t want to irritate your skin. If you use on your face, be careful not to get into your eyes.

  3. Once applied, let dry for 5-10 mins to absorb

  4. Rinse off in the shower. Careful, it's slippery stuff so take care as you rinse off not to fall!

*Do not exfoliate your skin more than 3 times a week


There are so many more ways to be plastic-free, it doesn't have to stop here! Almost anything you have in your home can be made with all natural, less toxic ingredients. Challenge yourself and get crafty with it - we're behind you!

We hope you try some of these recipes and share them with your loved ones this holiday! Join us by starting 2020 ditching more single-use plastics.

Special thanks to Taylor for sharing her favorite recipes, follow her for more amazing sustainable ideas as well as amazing adventures!


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