Get to know another shark species- the pyjama shark! Named for its striped pattern that resemble pajamas, this shark species is definitely one to know and love.

FAMILY: Scyliorhinidae
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Poroderma africanum
FUN FACT: The genus name Poroderma refers to “skin with pores” while the species name africanum refers to “from Africa”.
COMMON NAME: Sriped catshark, Pyjama shark, Pajama Shark
TYPE: Fish
IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (assessed 2019)
The pyjama shark can grow up to 3ft long (95 cm), but the average length is around 23.6-31.5 inches (60-80 cm) with a max weight of around 18 lbs (8 km).
The recorded maximum length of male pyjamas is 39.8 inches (101 cm) and females max length is 36.6 inches (93 cm).
Scientists aren't certain as to an average lifespan for this species (for now) but know these sharks reach sexual maturity at lengths of 1.9-2.5 feet for both males and females (58-72cm).
Pyjamas are oviparous and have a gestation period of 5.5 months (in captivity). The shark pups measure 5.5-5.9 inches (14-15 cm) upon emerging from their egg cases closely resembling the adult shark.
Female pyjamas lay a single egg case per oviduct; each season, two brownish, purse-shaped egg cases are released.
Each egg case measures 2 x 4 inches (5 x 10 cm) and has a sticky surface that adheres to kelp or other marine vegetation.
*In the wild, researchers still do not know how long after being released from the female it takes before the egg cases hatch.
The pyjama shark prefers the rock reefs and kelp forests of the intertidal zone (from the surf line to depths of 330 feet (100 m)) off the coast of South Africa. It is common in the waters of Cape Province off South Africa, especially the southern Cape.
These sharks are a nocturnal species that are commonly observed in caves and are typically a sluggish species during the day. As night falls they become more active as they search for prey.
You can find the pyjama shark in Mossel Bay, a harbor town in South Africa's Western Cape Province. This habitat provides abundant hiding places that keep it safe from predators as this shark is often hunted by larger sharks. Its only defence against these predators is rolling itself up into the shape of a doughnut and staying still until it has a chance to swim away.
These sharks are in the southeast Atlantic and western Indian Oceans. There are older records of this species from Madagascar and Mauritius, however these are unconfirmed.
WATCH NOW: Species Profile - The Pyjama Shark
Video by: SharkConservancy
The main prey for pyjama sharks are crustaceans but also include: hagfish, anchovy, other small sharks, shark egg cases, cephalopods, shrimps, crab, and polychaete worms.
Predators of the pajama shark include Cape fur seals and larger shark species like the broad-nose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus)
During the summer months, these sharks congregate into shoals and are easily hooked by recreational fishers who regard them as a pest and discard them. These sharks are not used for human consumption but are sometimes used in the aquarium trade, and utilized occasionally for lobster bait.
The Pyjama Shark is a bycatch species of a range of fisheries, including longline, gillnet, beach seine, trawl, and commercial and recreational line. When discarded without undue harm, post-release mortality is likely low.
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